Internet Forms Combo Package (UK)
Save money by getting our UK Internet related forms together in one convenient packet.

If You're Doing Business on the Internet, then You Need the UK Internet Forms Combo Package
Most businesses today have an Internet presence to market themselves and remain competitive in this tough economy. But without proper precautions, you could be opening yourself up to costly mistakes that could lead to lawsuits!Consider this:
- How will your clients or affiliates know what your terms of service are?
- Do you have a privacy policy and does it protect you?
- Are your rights protected working with the people who build your website?
- Is your domain protected?
The Internet has proven to be a profitable way to do business. But it is not without risk and they're risks you can't afford to take chances on! That's why we've taken our most popular UK Internet Agreement forms and put them together in one package called the Internet Forms Combo Package.
The UK Internet Forms Combo Package has all the forms you need to protect you when working your business online. You'll receive 5 forms that are vital to the protection and success of your online business.
Quality and Value You Can Trust
Preparing forms yourself can be risky. The wording needs to be just right and up-to-date or you risk losing your rights in a court of law. That's why each form we provide in the UK Internet Forms Combo Package has been reviewed and prepared by a licensed lawyer. They are easy to use and you can feel confident using them! You don't have to spend a fortune on lawyer fees to get the protection you need for your online business. Why pay more to buy forms one-by-one when you can get everything you need for a fraction of the cost?- Get Peace of Mind knowing your online business is protected with the most up-to-date legal agreements.
- Save Money by not having to hire an lawyer to review all your documents.
- Avoid costly mistakes of not protecting yourself by getting all your online legal agreements in writing!
- Feel confident that the legal agreements you sign have been prepared by licensed lawyers.
Forms Included In This Combo Package:
- Affiliate Terms and Conditions £10.95
- Chat Board Rules £7.95
- Website Privacy Policy £7.95
- Website Development Agreement £10.95
- Website Hosting Agreement £10.95
- Website Terms & Conditions £11.95
Regular Price £60.70
Combo Price £22.95
You Save 62%!
Number of Pages59
DimensionsDesigned for Letter Size (8.5" x 11")
EditableYes (.doc, .wpd and .rtf)
UsageUnlimited number of prints
Product number#32559