Consultancy Agreement
This UK Consultancy Agreement is used when a business wishes to engage a contractor to provide a specific service.

Consultancy Agreements are entered into when a business wishes to engage a contractor to provide a specific service to them (e.g. a computer consultant). It is not intended that the consultant will be an employee of the company and this agreement sets that out clearly. The Consultant will provide the specific service to the business for the term of the business. Once the contract term has expired the relationship will end.
The Consultancy Agreement sets out, amongst other things, the following:
- the service to be provided by the Consultant;
- the length of the contract;
- the price to be paid for the service and when payment must be made;
- where the service is to be carried out; and
- the expenses policy.
Our agreement is a standard Consultancy Agreement which addresses all the above points. Note that the agreement is a general consultancy agreement and the parties will need to insert the specific services to be provided by the Consultant if this is important.
As with all our agreements we use plain and simple English that is easy to understand. This Consultancy Agreement has been created by UK lawyers for use in England and Wales.